Facebook Messages – control your privacy
If you have been limiting your kids from email all this time, it will be automatic for them according to Facebook.
Before you panic too much, Evil is a great implementation showing the lack of privacy controls most people place when posting information, such as phone numbers, into their stream. Evil simply scans Faceook, blocks half the number for security and shows them at random on a webpage with an avatar of the person as well.…
Over on TheSocialNetworker , there is a small series of screencasts showing off some Facebook Privacy checking tools
The legal battle needs to be separated far from the parental battle to clearly understand this. The parent broke laws. Good intentions do not allow this.
Recent news in Pennsylvania, from Lower Marion School District, has the school and officials under fire from parents and students claiming their expected privacy was compromised. We have an opinion right in the middle of this controversy. The school provided the students these laptops with the understanding they were to be used for school activity. …